
The Power of Grateful Optimism

Dread…   It’s how I feel some mornings when I first leave the sanctity of slumber in favor of the responsibility of wakefulness…. Dread…   Why? I’m alive aren’t I? Had enough to eat yesterday… didn’t I? Still got a roof over my head? Etc…   But...


Gratitude  How often do you take the time, (several days perhaps), to really remember something vital to your appreciation of being alive? I only started doing that consciously when I turned 50, (sadly, nine years ago)… Up until then, I was just going about my days as...
Where are Tomorrow’s Leaders?

Where are Tomorrow’s Leaders?

While not well known, it is no secret; the American workforce is at a unique point in its history. No other time in history have so many different generations comprised the same work-centered cohort. From the Mature/WWII Generation to the Baby-boomers to Millennial’s...