
Soulful Books

Over the Course of Al Killeen's Time Studying the Human Experience, He Has Collected A Cache of Wisdoms and Insights...Which He Details Soulfully in His Two Books

Discover Your Highest Identity

“Once I learned how to function from a level 4 perspective, my relationship with my son and my husband was transformed to one of love and appreciation and I found that I was more powerful, and more successful in my business when leading with my heart and living through my values. I didn’t know just how successful I could be until I let go of my ego self and trusted in my Level 4 self.”

Jodi Showman ~ Mom, Wife, Whale Whisperer, Top 1% Mortgage Lender

Insightful Wisdoms for Intrinsic Growth with Tangible Results

“We are under constant pressure to perform in a rapidly changing, stressful environment, with limited information and limited resources. Having the right tools and processes to overcome these challenges are critical to not only survive but to thrive. Al’s got the ‘secret sauce’ skillfully detailed in this book.”

Daniel R. Meyer, Founder, Global Wealth Strategy Partners, LLC, #2 on the Fortune Global 500 by industry, #15 on the Fortune Global World’s Largest Corporations, #6 on Fortune’s 2007 Most Admired Companies by Industry


“I have been looking a lifetime for what Al called “Awakening the Paradise Within”. The 4th Level of Identity has changed the lens of my soul of what I see and how I react to the universe. It presents a serenity that allows me to see the everyday miracles in all my individuality.”

Paul Martirano

Father/Husband/Naval Officer (ret)

Soul Experience provides wisdoms, tips and signposts for guiding one’s life toward an inspired 4th Level of Identity. And what is a Level 4 Identity? It is one’s highest place of engaging the planet and daily life circumstances; that is, living from a place of peace, assuredness, hope and love. It is a true and centered lifestyle where fear is replaced with fearlessness, worry is replaced with serenity, and uncertainty is replaced with hope.

Dr. Allen D. Brandon.

Founder, Rocly Mountain Neuropsychological Sciences, P.C. Fort Collins, CO

If you are at a crossroad in your life and feel that this is all there is, take a walk with Al, you will not regret it. Integrative Mastery and coming to understand and practice my Level 4 saved my life. I thought I was doing great and living my life at the utmost.  Little did I know, I was a wreck! Inside and outside, I was a mess. My first exposure to Integrative Mastery had me in tears. Tears of joy, tears of happiness and tears of hope. Thank you for your vision and helping me know that there is a higher level of living. Thank you Al Killeen!”

Debbie Havens

Mortgage Lender/Branch Manager/Wife, Academy Mortgage

In level 4, we are all one, and the beautiful emotions of compassion, kindness, and love fill the most space in our heart and mind. Our most important task is to seek to reach our potential, being true to our self and kind to others along the way.

Holly Morphew

Business Owner

“My introduction to living in Level 4 came through a presentation with my business team. We all went away transformed forever. When living, managing, parenting, partnering and just being at Level 4 is like having the fog clear and seeing what life is meant to be for oneself. Everything is easier, there are always answers, it just feels right at Level 4. It’s even better when the people in your life understand and live in Level 4 and you can support each other in this way of being.”

Sue Melnick

Wife/Mother/COO & Chief Compliance Officer/ Attorney, Bay Equity

I promise you, if you adopt the mindset, and, practices of a 4th level identity, you will begin to manifest your dreams through tools of control, that help to steer your future towards favorable outcomes, in ways you never imagined were possible – Al Killeen

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So profoundly did I see the power of a Level 4 existence & the IMP training process, that I introduced my business partners so they too could have the opportunity to enrich their lives. Our company now incorporates this Level 4 cultural values program into our company training.

Paul Duncan

President, Pie Consulting & Engineering - Voted one of the Top 3 best small companies to work for in Colorado, (2017) (2018)