by Al Killeen | May 9, 2018 | Business, Coaching, Commitment, Control, Effective Management, Health, Improvement, Leadership, Leverage, Motivation, Optimize, Perspective, Relationships, Resolve, Work Life Balance
The Power of Perspective Consider this… Midway through the last Century, Viktor Frankl (a world-famous Psychiatrist) withstood life in the Nazi Death-camps for 4 years after having lost his entire family and life’s work with one vital understanding;...
by Greg Osborne | Sep 8, 2014 | Leadership, Optimize, Relationships, Uncategorized
“In the quantum world, relationships are not just interesting: to many physicists, they are all there is to reality.” Margaret Wheatly My relationship with the author of this quotation is profound, yet she doesn’t even know that I exist. Margaret Wheatly, I’ll...
by Al Killeen | Apr 3, 2014 | Employee Engagement, Leadership, Optimize, Recruit, Team
As we each face the daily challenges of modern business and life, we have to approach our effectiveness in new ways. In today’s “Information-based economy”, we are going to have abundant new resources and tools from which we may choose to operate. However, the one...
by Mike Lyons | Oct 15, 2013 | Effective Management, Employee Engagement, Leadership, Values Based Culture
The Discussion Topic: Caution – Mental Models at Work A colleague of mine and I were talking to the company’s Client Services Manager about a client’s complaint last week. At issue was a client who was unhappy with the service they had received from our company. As...
by Mike Lyons | Sep 11, 2013 | Effective Management, Employee Engagement, Leadership
Managing Meetings – Best Practices Meetings are an important method for collaborating, planning and making decisions. Increasing the productivity of meetings is a useful way for organizations to get the most out of an employee’s time and effort. While good meetings...
by Al Killeen | Jun 15, 2013 | Leadership
(written following 9/11/2001) We are now all warriors in the “Army of Faith in the Future”. The attack of the last week is more than an attack on buildings, a country and it’s people. It was an attack on the premise that freedom of individual...