by Al Killeen | Mar 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
Dread… It’s how I feel some mornings when I first leave the sanctity of slumber in favor of the responsibility of wakefulness…. Dread… Why? I’m alive aren’t I? Had enough to eat yesterday… didn’t I? Still got a roof over my head? Etc… But...
by Al Killeen | Feb 19, 2018 | Uncategorized
Gratitude How often do you take the time, (several days perhaps), to really remember something vital to your appreciation of being alive? I only started doing that consciously when I turned 50, (sadly, nine years ago)… Up until then, I was just going about my days as...
by Al Killeen | Dec 9, 2014 | Uncategorized
Let me ask you a question for you to answer for yourself; what is the single most important thing you could do to improve your business in 2015? Seriously… Is it? – To get more customers? – To get your expenses under control? – To launch new...
by Martin Smith | Sep 23, 2014 | Uncategorized
We are all aware of how great relationships impact our lives. Relationships take on many forms. Some of these are work relationships, romantic relationships, friendships, acquaintances, business partnerships, and marriage. When our needs are being met, we perceive...
by Greg Osborne | Sep 8, 2014 | Leadership, Optimize, Relationships, Uncategorized
“In the quantum world, relationships are not just interesting: to many physicists, they are all there is to reality.” Margaret Wheatly My relationship with the author of this quotation is profound, yet she doesn’t even know that I exist. Margaret Wheatly, I’ll...
by Mike Lyons | Jul 7, 2014 | Uncategorized
While not well known, it is no secret; the American workforce is at a unique point in its history. No other time in history have so many different generations comprised the same work-centered cohort. From the Mature/WWII Generation to the Baby-boomers to Millennial’s...