
Blog Posts

Blogs, about everything from business wisdoms to personal mental care

The Power of Perspective

The Power of Perspective

  The Power of Perspective   Consider this…   Midway through the last Century, Viktor Frankl (a world-famous Psychiatrist) withstood life in the Nazi Death-camps for 4 years after having lost his entire family and life's work with one vital understanding; That no...

The “Spirit” of Good Friday & Easter

The “Spirit” of Good Friday and Easter Traditionally a day of fasting and penance, Good Friday is the associated sacred Friday before Easter in the Christian Faith. It celebrates the sacred sacrifice made by Jesus in Christian belief, and is accordingly one of the...

The Power of Grateful Optimism

Dread…   It's how I feel some mornings when I first leave the sanctity of slumber in favor of the responsibility of wakefulness…. Dread…   Why? I'm alive aren't I? Had enough to eat yesterday… didn't I? Still got a roof over my head? Etc…   But there it is…. The...

Schedule a Free Discovery Session

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Meet with with one of our trainers to see if:

  • You want to explore where you are vs. where you want to be;

  • Your organization hasn’t reached its potential and you want it to;

  • You aren’t clear about your future and want to be;

  • You want to discover if IMP is right for you now…

Click here to take our Discovery survey as part of your FREE 45-Minute Discovery session with an IMP Trainer.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment to further discuss any of the above Programs or Coaching sessions.