

Your Brilliance Within

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Personal / Professional Coaching







So profoundly did I see the power of a Level 4 existence & the IMP training process, that I introduced my business partners so they too could have the opportunity to enrich their lives. Our company now incorporates this Level 4 cultural values program into our company training.

Paul Duncan

President, Pie Consulting & Engineering - Voted one of the Top 3 best small companies to work for in Colorado, (2017) (2018)

As IMP teaches, living in level 4 allows my values to guide me, and my intuition to teach me. I consistently experience happiness, inner peace, and fulfillment since becoming aware of level 3 and 4 identity. My purpose is to bring out the best in others. I have a smile for everyone. We all have equal light within us to share. I am thankful for my life and the opportunities the universe continually provides. I don’t believe in coincidence, rather that every encounter has a purpose. I am aware of level 4 identity because of IMP and Al. He is a portal to its truth. In level 4, we are all one, and the beautiful emotions of compassion, kindness, and love fill the most space in our heart and mind. Our most important task is to seek to reach our potential, being true to our self and kind to others along the wayIn level 4, you learn to let go of the outcome and live in the moment. Suffering is only in the worry of the future or the regret of the past. Being present and thankful for THIS moment is to live fully.

Holly Morphew

Entrepreneur/International Speaker/Business Owner/Financial Expert, Fundamental Finance Academy

Who is this for?

  • Any organizations, teams, partnerships, families or groups who have a problem or crisis in business or life; and want it resolved;
  • Any organizations, teams, partnerships, families or groups who have a strategic opportunity and want to make the best of it;
  • Business Partners who want to optimize and align their growth and performance as Partners;
  • “Learning Organizations” who want to dramatically improve their Team performance and collaborative work together, strategically as well as tactically;
  • Groups or Teams who want a facilitated and experienced quide to working more effectively together in a Retreat or Workshop setting;
  • Organizations or Teams who want a more cooperative, passionate culture that creates breakthrough results through effective systems, processes and people….Details

Who is this for?

  • Any individual who wants to effectively manage responses to life’s problems with effective and empowered solutions;
  • Individuals who have opportunities in various domains of life (health, business, relationships, etc.) and want to make the most of them;
  • Family members who want functional, loving and fulfilled family relationships;
  • Individuals in life or buisness transitions;
  • Individuals who may feel empty and want greater clarity, purpose and passion in their life;
  • Individuals seeking life balance, enhanced communication skills, mental discipline and overall effectiveness in guiding their life decisions… Details

Who is this for?

  • Enlightened Leaders seeking to grow cultures of commitment rather than cultures of complacency;
  • Managers seeking more effective management techniques;
  • Companies seeking to be uniquely effective beyond the competition;
  • Organizations who believe in integrated, values-based systems that forward their Organizational Mission in pursuit of an inspirational Vision;
  • Business Teams seeking enhanced collaboration….Details

Who is this for?

  • Enlightened Leaders seeking to grow cultures of commitment rather than cultures of complacency;
  • Managers seeking more effective management techniques;
  • Companies seeking to be uniquely effective beyond the competition;
  • Organizations who believe in integrated, values-based systems that forward their Organizational Mission in pursuit of an inspirational Vision;
  • Business Teams seeking enhanced collaboration….Details

Schedule a Free Discovery Session

Are you living an empowered life?

Meet with with one of our trainers to see if:

  • You want to explore where you are vs. where you want to be;

  • Your organization hasn’t reached its potential and you want it to;

  • You aren’t clear about your future and want to be;

  • You want to discover if IMP is right for you now…

Click here to take our Discovery survey as part of your FREE 45-Minute Discovery session with an IMP Trainer.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment to further discuss any of the above Programs or Coaching sessions.