

IMP is deeply honored by the testimonials of those

we’ve been fortunate enough to work and collaborate with over the years

“I struggled through my life, living through the filter of anger, judgement, and impatience toward myself and in my behavior toward others. Even with those I truly love. Once I learned how to function from a level 4 perspective, my relationship with my son and my husband was transformed to one of love and appreciation and I found that I was more powerful, and more successful in my business when leading with my heart and living through my values. I didn’t know just how successful I could be until I let go of my ego self and trusted in my Level 4 self. 

   When I let go of worrying about the transactions, rankings, being the best, and, offered an open heart and true caring toward others, my life was much happier, my business soared, and, I became more successful than I could have ever hoped.

      It’s not easy to maintain, as during stressful times and challenging situations I want to fall back to my ego self and fall back to those old engrained patterns. Just like anything, I need to constantly practice level 4 consciousness in order to continue to live at this level and this book is one of those tools to be used to keep us practicing level 4 living. This isn’t a temporary behavior but a life style that transforms life into endless possibilities.”

Jodi Showman – Mom/Wife/Whale Whisperer/Top 1% Mortgage Lender

“I almost missed meeting Al Killeen in the summer of 2014 as I was teetering on not attending a meeting where he was presenting. As Al presented that morning I knew within a few moments that a spiritual influence had stepped into my subconscious on why I was to not miss the IMP presentation that day. The daily journey from here to eternity that began with Al’s presentation has continued to be enhanced over the past 3 years. Through the Level 4 experience I learned from Al; my relationships are enriched with my wife, family and others I meet in the walk of life. 

 The awareness and practice of a Level 4 identity beyond the daily grind of an ego based existence, helps to bring recognition, awareness and mindfulness to my relationships with everyone; that life can be simple, peaceful and purposeful when present in the moments of everyday. 

So profoundly did I see the power of a level 4 existence & amp; training I introduced IMP to my business partners so they too could have the opportunity to enrich their lives. Our company now incorporates this Level 4 cultural values program into our company training.”

Paul Duncan – Husband/Father/CEO

“Since you were instrumental in my metamorphosis, it is only fitting that I share how happy I am that the ‘brilliance’ continues for me, as well as for the people in my department. My team leaders and I are embarking on a new adventure … preparing ourselves for potential explosive growth. Last year, the thought alone would have put me over the edge! Today, we are excited to be proactive instead of reactive.”

Tina Hurley – Senior Vice President ~ Work Options Group, Inc.

“You know how a wilted flower appears and then you give it “Miracle Grow”? … well that is what you have managed to do with me.  By giving me the tools to move outside my previous scripts and reactions, you have helped me to achieve an exciting adventure through my Personal Life Vision. You have been my knight in shining armor – thank you sharing your kindness and knowledge!  If you should ever need me, please let me know, as I am forever in your debt!”

Debi Taylor – Senior Vice President ~ United Capital Mortgage Corporation

“Using these principals has transformed my life. I have witnessed a remarkable, even enviable culture emerge in my organization. By operating from an Undifferentiated, Empowered, Values-Based Self, it has given others around me the safe space to bring their best selves forward. There is considerably less stress and anxiety in my life as well. Thank you Al for bringing this awareness into my life.”

Phil Shell – Husband/Father/Real Estate Executive Manager

   “I have been looking a lifetime for what Al called “Awakening the Paradise Within”. The 4th Level of Identity has changed the lens of my soul of what I see and how I react to the universe. It presents a serenity that allows me to see the everyday miracles in all my individuality.”

Paul Martirano – Father/Husband/Naval Officer (ret)

“The unique characteristic of the IMP program is that it combines “life focusing vision” with specific “real world tools” for achievement. The IMP program combined with Al’s coaching is changing my life. I can feel it! Al’s IMP program has given me the skills and courage to approach my life and business my way. I now know I have a gift to give my family, friends and business team members. I am now discovering the skills and courage to give this gift! AL IS A GREAT COACH!”

Martin J. Smith, Reverse Mortgage Area Manager, ~ Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

“The entire IMP experience, (along with the amazing insight that Al has shown me through his coaching), has changed my life forever!”

Sheryl Swenson; Branch Manager ~ North American Mortgage Corporation

“I highly recommend this program to any one that wants to live a life of infinite, attainable dreams & experience the satisfaction of sharing fulfilling relationships with everyone around you.”

Herb Irvin, Partner; ~ Pinnacle Mortgage Alliance

“I highly recommend Al’s Program for anyone who wants to actively move forward in life and not just let it happen to you. This is not just another ‘Action Plan’, like all of the other programs I’ve taken; it is just so much more!”

Martha Reitz; Account Executive ~ First Bank of Arizona

“This Program has been worth every cent I paid for it. Thank you forever!!!”

Marsha Stocking; Loan Officer ~ CTX Mortgage


“The entire atmosphere of our company is now that of an energized shared vision.”

James L. Nunn Jr.; President ~ Pueblo Mortgage

“I can barely relate the brilliance I encountered in this Program with Al;
and dare I say, it touched and healed me like the glowing finger of ET.”

Tim Rea; Entrepreneur, CEO, Motivational Speaker/Life Coach ~ Healing Environments

“Al’s coaching program is the greatest personal experience that I have ever encountered.”

Chuck Pharris; Partner/Owner ~ Pinnacle Mortgage Corporation

“With the IMP & Al Killeen, you are provided the right tools to help you become the person you were meant to be.”

Gayle Campbell; Vice President ~Universal Lending Corporation

 “This Program has taken me to the next level and at the same time put my professional and personal life in balance.”

Dave Williams; Regional Production Manager

“Since going through the IMP Program and being supported by it for the last 13 years, life is now a journey that I look forward to with each passing day.”

Gene Humphries -Regional President ~ Cornerstone Mortgage Company

“I have never been involved with a program as powerful and as influential on the conduct of my life, as IMP’s Program. It has become the foundation for my personal life vision and the means for my success. Many thanks for the road map and showing me how to be the creative force in my own life.”

Jim Hunter, S.V.P. ~ Production at Cornerstone Mortgage
Chairman 2013-14 – Colorado Lender’s Assn.

“This Program has taken me to the next level and at the same time put my professional and personal life in balance.”

Dave Williams; Regional Production Manager


“I encourage anyone who is at a crossroads in life, or career, to seek out this Program. It will change you forever.”

Cathy Stroud; Senior Regional V.P. – CTX Mortgage Company

“As a CFO I rarely participate in or become interested in any of the self-help or motivational type of programs that are available.  The program Al has to offer is a true exception.  After going through the program over a year ago, I am still enthused about it and don’t hesitate to recommend Al and his program to anyone who wants to experience purposeful living.”

Brad Groves, CFO, Universal Lending


“On both a professional and personal level – I would honestly recommend IMP (and specifically Al Killeen) for any company, management team or individual who strives to find the best practices for all aspects of their lives.”

Cindy Carrillo; President – Work Options Group, Inc.

“Through this Program, I’ve become so inspired by my ability to lead, manage & coach my people to positive relationships and resolutions, that I’ve decided to formalize the process into a system so others can do the same in the future. Thank you so much, Al!”

Barbara Duba; Branch Manager ~ North American Mortgage


“There are some big differences between IMP and other “Training Programs. First, it certainly focuses on a lot of the practical, pragmatic skills of leading people, problem solving and moving an organization in a positive, forward direction. But, it additionally focuses on helping people clarify what’s important to them in life, what their value proposition is and how to BE that in everything that they do…”

Bill Bent – Executive V.P. – Academy Mortgage

“IMP/Integrative Mastery Training offers a system for achieving whatever matters to you. It provides personal clarity in an insane world. ‘Business coaching’ is a misnomer for Al Killeen’s thoughtful approach. ‘Life coaching’ is more like it.”

Greg Osborne; Region 2 Manager – Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

“IMP helps you create and live by your Personal Life Vision; and that Vision is like a mirror you hold everything you do in life up to… and it changes you. It changes your power, it changes your attitude, it changes what motivates you… and it changes your future to one you couldn’t possibly imagine you were capable of… I have evolved tremendously over the last year that I’ve been involved with IMP… and anybody who embraces it can as well.”

Holly Morphew – CEO/Founder; Fundamental Finance Academy

“IMP helps people discover, not only their strengths in business, but also their strengths in all other domains of life… and that is essential for overall happiness and fulfillment…”

Dr. Allen Brandon, Ph.d Neuropsychologist
Harvard University; UCLA Medical School

 “I originally went through the IMP Program 13 years ago, but I returned and took the latest version of it 10 years later (just a few years ago), because it has evolved into an even bigger and better Program, and I returned to do it again due to the effectiveness of the Program and what I now wanted to do with it to create my newest future…”

Jodi Showman – +$100m/yr Mortgage Producer for 10+ years
Citiwide Home Loans

“Hopefully you understood from our last conversation that Lisa and I feel incredibly grateful and inspired by the life-changing experience you have given us during our time together. Our attitudes, relationships, and perspectives have changed dramatically for the better… we now know we are in control of our own destiny. The tools you have shared with us make a difference for us every day. For the first time in a long time, we even feel inspirational now! Thank you so much…!”

Jim Hagen – CFO; Cherry Creek Mortgage
Lisa Hagen – Homemaker/mother of 4 children
(Marital Program/Professional Program combination)

“This Program has helped me transform my life. I recommend that you give yourself the gift of experiencing it. Be courageous with your future; take control…”

Pete Lansing; President – Universal Lending Corporation


“My life has been enriched and blessed by practicing my Level 4 and exposure to the concepts of Integrative Mastery. I have embraced the program with a loving and open heart. My family and work relationships are more fulfilled and I am dedicated to living my life in level 4. 

If you are at a crossroad in your life and feel that this is all there is, take a walk with Al, you will not regret it. Integrative Mastery and coming to understand and practice my Level 4 saved my life.I thought I was doing great and living my life at the utmost.  Little did I know, I was a wreck! Inside and outside, I was a mess.

My first exposure to Integrative Mastery had me in tears. Tears of joy, tears of happiness and tears of hope. Thank you for your vision and helping me know that there is a higher level of living. Thank you Al Killeen!”

 Debbie Havens ~ Mortgage Lender/Manager/Wife

“Giving away my power to fuel others in their times of powerlessness, is my one true path to peace. Al’s concepts, including that of living a life of Level 4 existence, resonate with and have encouraged me on my path of lawyering with strength and compassion. May you find what you are missing in the pages of this book. Thank you, Al, for your influence, friendship and water cooler conversation.”  

Patricia Bellac ~ Lawyer, Advocate, Servant, Adventurer, Wife and Mother

   “My introduction to living in Level 4 came through a presentation with my business team. We all went away transformed forever. Living, managing, parenting, partnering and just being at Level 4 is like having the fog clear and seeing what life is meant to be for oneself. Everything is easier, there are always answers, it just feels right at Level 4. It’s even better when the people in your life understand and live in Level 4 and you can support each other in this way of being.”

 Sue Melnick ~ Wife/Mother/Chief Operating and Compliance Officer/Attorney

“Living in level 4 allows my values to guide me, and my intuition to teach me. I consistently experience happiness, inner peace, and fulfillment since becoming aware of level 3 and 4 identity. My purpose is to bring out the best in others. I have a smile for everyone. We all have equal light within us to share. I am thankful for my life and the opportunities the universe continually provides. I don’t believe in coincidence, rather that every encounter has a purpose. 

   I am aware of level 4 identity because of Al. He is a portal to its truth. In level 4, we are all one, and the beautiful emotions of compassion, kindness and love fill the most space in our heart and mind. Our most important task is to seek to reach our potential, being true to our self and kind to others along the wayIn level 4, you learn to let go of the outcome and live in the moment. Suffering is only in the worry of the future or the regret of the past. Being present and thankful for THIS moment is to live fully.”

Holly Morphew ~ Entrepreneur/International Speaker/Business Owner/Financial Expert
