
Integrative Mastery Programs offers integrative mastery training, executive business coaching, and personal development programs to help people achieve work life balance and leadership success.

About You

Our personal development coaches are here to support you as you create an inspired future. To help us help you, we have developed these surveys for you to take to design the best solution to uncover your true gifts.

Take these free surveys now:
IMP Candidate Focus and Readiness Scale
This is a survey to take for personal and/or professional self-inquiry. While the questions may seem easy or self-evident, if you answer them with absolute honesty from within yourself, (as opposed to how you think others may want you to answer them), you will quickly reveal where you are at this moment in many critical areas. Instructions.

Integrative Mastery Skills Survey
This is a second survey to take for personal and/or professional self-inquiry. While the questions may also seem easy or self-evident, if you answer them with absolute honesty from within yourself, (as opposed to how you think others may want you to answer them), you will quickly reveal where you are at this moment in many critical areas. Instructions.

Professional Circle of Wholeness Tool
This is a survey designed to take for professional self-inquiry. While the questions may not seem easy or self-evident, if you answer them with absolute honesty from within yourself, (as opposed to how you think others may want you to answer them), you will quickly reveal where you are at this moment in your relationship with your career, company, industry and occupation. Instructions.

Learn more about our executive business coaching programs, workshops and professional development books.

Learn more about our executive business coaching, workshops, and personal development books.

Schedule a Free Discovery Session

Are you living an empowered life?

Meet with with one of our trainers to see if:

  • You want to explore where you are vs. where you want to be;

  • Your organization hasn’t reached its potential and you want it to;

  • You aren’t clear about your future and want to be;

  • You want to discover if IMP is right for you now…

Click here to take our Discovery survey as part of your FREE 45-Minute Discovery session with an IMP Trainer.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment to further discuss any of the above Programs or Coaching sessions.