Purpose / Path / Process
In person or online, IMP’s Programs are comprehensively guided mastery training courses composed of proven leadership & management tools, actionable systems, projects, directives, wisdoms, and, inspirational materials designed to give you the tools necessary to make foundational changes to any area of your life. Compiled in a concise system, IMP Programs aim to give you the ability to make innovative discoveries. Discoveries about who you really are, what you really want, and then, how you can be your most effective, inspired, & conscious self getting there, by mastering commitments to overcome certain habits that are limiting the improvement and achievement of goals you desire. Be your best self, in all domains of life, by transforming the game!
Significance always leads to Success
- Improve your capacity, gain new perspectives, & cultivate powerful relationships to create exact, quantifiable results in specific areas of life.
- Discover what it is you’re really after, and then, develop your game plan for achieving it through proven systems of action and accountability.
- Companies who implement The Program’s mastery training course are committed to creating a culture of the future within their firm. By awakening all team members commitments to their own excellence, a shared vision then manifests itself into improved communication & trust, renewed confidence & understanding of individual strengths, and, a stronger sense of connectedness to the business and life as a whole. Manifest an inspired future!
A Program Designed for You
- Customized to any area of life
- Complete at your own pace
- Accessible forever
- Free Coaching support system
- Step by step video instructions
- Complete set of articles and tools
- 4th Level tribe membership
Primary Tools of the Masterful Coach's Toolkit©
– Personal Life Vision
– Echo of Empowerment
– Type-1 vs Type-2 Commitments
– C + E = OT
– Personal Mastery Formula
– Communication Effectiveness
– Success Strategy Identity
– 4 Levels of Identity
– Mental Models
– Creative Tension
– Circle of the “Ordained”
– More+
IMP helps people discover, not only their strengths in business, but also their strengths in all other domains of life… and that is essential for overall happiness and fulfillment…
I can barely relate the brilliance I encountered in this Program with IMP;
and dare I say, it touched and healed me like the glowing finger of ET
What The Program gets you
This two day immersive experience is designed for specific situations and outcomes, based on years of experience with thousands of organizational and individual clients. In our initial assessment phase with you, we will arrive at a mutual understanding of where you are today in a given domain of your life (i.e. business status, relationships, health, organizational effectiveness, etc.), and where you most desire to be in that domain in the future.
From there, we customize, The Program, for your needs before setting up a time to complete it. Following which you get supportive coaching calls every couple of weeks to make sure you are succeeding and continuing on the path you set for yourself.
To get the in-person program and explore more about the possibilities of what if could mean for your life, please, email us.
To have your company participate in a custom program workshop, first an IMP coach will need to meet with the decision makers, and stakeholders, to get a strong grasp on what it is they are looking for and what it is that is most needed from IMP. After which, if a team wishes to go for it, a step by step schedule will be produced in collaboration with leadership to engage proper execution upon an agreed time table.
Starting with a workshops for all of the team members; before setting up each team members personal profile on the online course. Each members digital profile and course will be customized to the specific goals set at the beginning workshops. The digital course is completed in stages at the design of the team, and is accessible forever. Please email us for full details or click, “Get The Program.”
Purpose: The “North Star” that guides our thoughts, intentions, and actions. If we have a small purpose, we tend to execute, grow, and achieve small results. Conversely, if we have a great purpose, even an “unattainable” one, we will not limit ourselves. Malcolm Forbes once said that “No Vision of the future is worth pursuing if it takes less than 2 lifetimes to realize it.” That attitude captures what we at IMP support people and organizations to pursue with our programs; the great possibility of profound life, accomplishment, and fulfillment no matter where you start from. We have a way of awakening your greatest purpose in life, and with it, energy and commitment to pursue it. Once that profound Purpose awakens within you, you are going to need personal road map for pursuing it…you will need the Path.
Path: Once you have awakened a great Purpose in life, you now must create the Path to pursue it. And that Path may be something unique to you, rather than a well-worn road that is already laid out by others before you. You must achieve your own future. Odds are that you will need to create your own unique Path to your Personal and Professional Life Mastery, in order for you to pursue your great Purpose. With this program we have a way for you to do that without fear that it will fail. It won’t. It will take you there. And it will prove the validity in pursuing the Purpose itself by what you experience along that Path. Our Program will support you in creating the Road Map, the Path, that will take you to your hopes, dreams, and aspirations….your inspired and unique Purpose.
Process: The last piece of the puzzle once you have a great Purpose, and a perfect Path, is to now have a clear-cut and effective Process for walking and maintaining that Path to your profound Vision, your incredible result, your unique and inspired Purpose. The most common form of training, coaching, and consulting programs in today’s world are around the “process” of how to do things. But, our program Process is unique, we don’t take you down the predictable road you have probably experienced before. We have a proven Process in our program to insure that you stay on your Path, in pursuit of your great Purpose. If you engage with us, you will have a totally unique Purpose that is just yours, and a clear Path to living that Purpose, with a guaranteed Process for walking that Path. That is why IMP is in the top 3% in the world of Business/Life Coaching/Training organizations with this program for the past 20 years….we go beyond the predictable approaches. We don’t just help you change, we support you in Transforming. At IMP, our mission is to help anyone willing, realize their fullest potential, in all areas of life, by providing the tools necessary for effectively sharing their gifts with the world.
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Personal / Professional Coaching
So profoundly did I see the power of a Level 4 existence & the IMP training process, that I introduced my business partners so they too could have the opportunity to enrich their lives. Our company now incorporates this Level 4 cultural values program into our company training.
As IMP teaches, living in level 4 allows my values to guide me, and my intuition to teach me. I consistently experience happiness, inner peace, and fulfillment since becoming aware of level 3 and 4 identity. My purpose is to bring out the best in others. I have a smile for everyone. We all have equal light within us to share. I am thankful for my life and the opportunities the universe continually provides. I don’t believe in coincidence, rather that every encounter has a purpose. I am aware of level 4 identity because of IMP and Al. He is a portal to its truth. In level 4, we are all one, and the beautiful emotions of compassion, kindness and love fill the most space in our heart and mind. Our most important task is to seek to reach our potential, being true to our self and kind to others along the way. In level 4, you learn to let go of the outcome and live in the moment. Suffering is only in the worry of the future or the regret of the past. Being present and thankful for THIS moment is to live fully.