
Mike Lyons

Mike Lyons


Mike_Lyons_photo_400x600As an Executive Coach, Mike brings over 40 years of hands-on leadership experience in a variety of roles. Mike’s experience extends from his days in the US Army as a Platoon Sergeant to line management positions in manufacturing companies and as a collaborative member of leadership teams in the roles as Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, President, and Chief Executive Officer.

Throughout his career Mike has come to understand and appreciate the value and critical nature of the relationship between a leader and their employees. In any setting or business model, this honored relationship can be a source of strength, creativity and vitality for all organizations. During his career as a Leader, Manager and Coach, Mike has practiced his passion for organizational behavior, business management, and leadership development. This, combined with his business training and experience in building products, delivering exceptional service, and financial performance management makes him a knowledgeable and experienced contributor and excellent coach and adviser for business teams, as well as individuals.

Mike Lyons’ Personal Life Vision (PLV)

My PLV is to live in a world where the best of the human spirit is consistently expressed and experienced through being our Divine purpose and sharing the joys of life.

Mike Lyons
303 579-6571

Schedule a Free Discovery Session

Are you living an empowered life?

Meet with with one of our trainers to see if:

  • You want to explore where you are vs. where you want to be;

  • Your organization hasn’t reached its potential and you want it to;

  • You aren’t clear about your future and want to be;

  • You want to discover if IMP is right for you now…

Click here to take our Discovery survey as part of your FREE 45-Minute Discovery session with an IMP Trainer.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment to further discuss any of the above Programs or Coaching sessions.