

Personal & Professional Support for Continued Growth


Integrative Mastery Programs is, and, has been in the top 3% of the world for professional coaching services over the last 18 years. Maintaining an average tenure of 9.5 years/client, with 7 current 20+ year clients, IMP has been deeply honored to play a supporting role in thousands of walks of life, both personally and professionally. IMP is a practices transformational Coaching, as opposed to just incremental or expansive. When it comes to Coaching, we believe that there are 3 kinds. These serve a vital role in supporting people to their optimal states, but due to their scope of focus, they have different levels in impact. Discover the IMP difference below!


– 40 Great Questions for Masterful CoachesĀ©

– 25 Critical Techniques & Guidlines for Masterful CoachingĀ©

– 9 Basic Steps of the Coaching ProcessĀ©

Sign up for Coaching

Average amount of years IMP's clients receive coaching

By signing up for IMP Coaching, you are committing to yourself. You’re saying, to yourself, that you will put in the necessary work to achieve the change, and improvement, you desire. As humans, we are never done growing or improving. In order to continually do so, we need different forms of support. IMP provides that safe space and all encompassing support to explore and discover new answers.

A great deal of things have changed in the short time since I met Al and IMP. I have become what some days almost seems exponentially happier since walking out of their offices. Though the words in my Personal Life Vision are simple, the implications behind them are vast.

Michael Sagaert


Insightful Support,


Transformational Coaching

This type of Coaching supports people to grow incrementally better at something they are already thinking or doing. For example, if Incremental Coaching is supporting a Sales Representative, that Coach would be providing support, tools, perspectives and questions that will Coach the Sales Representative how to incrementally improve sales results in areas the Sales Representative is already performing. Incremental progress on something already being done is the focus of this type of Coaching.

This type of Coaching supports people to expand something they are already thinking of doing. For example, if an Expansive Coach is supporting a Sales Representative, that Coach would be providing support, tools, perpsectives and questions that will Coach the Sales Representative how to expand the context of how to achieve sales results in areas the Sales Representative is already perfomring. If that Sales Representative is already succeeding individually, for example, the Expansive Coach may suggest growing a Sales Team to exapnd the context of productivity beyond individual effort. Expansive evolution on something already being done is the focus of this type of Coaching.

This type of Coaching supports people to transform who they see themselves to be and what their purpose for their activities actually are. For example, if a Transformational Coach is supporting a Sales Representative. that Coach would be providing support, tools, perspectives and questions that will Coach the Sales Representative how to see their purpose…their “why” for activities and who they are from a deeper place of identity, potential, and exponential empowerment. Transformation of Self and its identity, purpose and methodoligies are the focus of this type of Coaching, and it intrinsically includes its own Incremental and Expansive Coaching capacity within it through such redefinition of Self to a larger version of purpose, passion, and path. In the example of a Transformational Coach working with a Sales Representative, the Coach may invite the Sales Representative to explore why they sell, what motivates them beyond the money, and who could they evolve to be beyond their current self-limiting beliefs. We consider Transformational Coaching significantly more impactful than the other two, but the appropriate type should always be applied to the correct situation.

What do you want?

How could you get it?

What experience are you looking for by getting it?

What has to change for you to get there?

– Fritz Perl’s 4 Questions

  • Completely Confidential
  • Any area Life/Business Coaching
  • 20yrs in the top 3% of the world
  • Conscious based Coaching
  • Comprehensive action planning
  • Goal achievement support
  • One-on-one
  • Monthly / bi-weekly

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Personal / Professional Coaching







So profoundly did I see the power of a Level 4 existence & the IMP training process, that I introduced my business partners so they too could have the opportunity to enrich their lives. Our company now incorporates this Level 4 cultural values program into our company training.

Paul Duncan

President, Pie Consulting & Engineering - Voted one of the Top 3 best small companies to work for in Colorado, (2017) (2018)